This is my specimen picture. My friend had a pet turtle that died so I took a picture of it. The turtle was about the size of a 50 cent piece. So I flipped my lens around to basically use it as a macro lens. This is why the shell is out of focus. I just wanted to get little details like the skin and stripes to stand out so I focused on them. I like how you can't see the head but you still know what it is.
This is my specimen picture. My friend had a pet turtle that died so I took a picture of it. The turtle was about the size of a 50 cent piece. So I flipped my lens around to basically use it as a macro lens. This is why the shell is out of focus. I just wanted to get little details like the skin and stripes to stand out so I focused on them. I like how you can't see the head but you still know what it is.